#1 27/08/2004 12:22:59

Gentil BDA
Lieu : la gavotte, prÞs de marseille,
Inscription : 28/07/2003
Messages : 759
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grrr, je déteste google...



swan ?

ever ?

corriveau ?ici  et là

bon, OK, je sors... c'est pas drôôôôôle

une seule chose à dire : celui qui pisse par terre et qui avance ensuite, à les pieds sales
the webpage!

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#2 27/08/2004 13:10:33

Maitre BDA
Inscription : 21/04/2004
Messages : 4 146
Site Web

Re : Google

Moi j'aime bien google



et ici aussi

ou encore

ok, je reconnais qu'on trouve ca aussi.

facebookkt.gif  suloboxbanire7.png

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#3 27/08/2004 15:39:23

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Bondy City
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 4 330
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Re : Google

Moi je suis une star du rock and roll sur Google :


Comment je vais bouffer les Singes Volants de Corriveau, moi, ça va pas trainer...  :knaughty: D'ailleurs la seconde photo de Truster pour Antoine est la bonne, c'est bien lui.

logo_cite_2008.jpg   logo_rem_2008.jpg
Infinite skills create miracles.

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#4 27/08/2004 16:16:17

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Bruxelles
Inscription : 25/10/2002
Messages : 3 480
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Re : Google

Suis assez vernis:
Voyez donc ici
5/6, pas mal comme score.


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#5 27/08/2004 16:51:29

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Montréal
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 3 442
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Re : Google

Remedium s'est bien caché de vous montrer ces résultats-ci :

Remedium serait un couple de vieilles dames?

Remedium ne serait en fait qu'une chanteuse pop?

[size=7]je vais t'exploser la gueule, ordure![/size]

Rocker au coeur tendre

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#6 27/08/2004 17:03:13

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Bondy City
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 4 330
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Re : Google

Oh le vil menteur, j'ai pas eu du tout ces résultats là, moi !  :kguns:

Quelques résultats pour Corriveau :



Et, hum, celle-là j'ai pas compris, une certaine Katia Corriveau, p'tet une soeur d'Antoine : :knaughty:


logo_cite_2008.jpg   logo_rem_2008.jpg
Infinite skills create miracles.

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#7 27/08/2004 18:11:10

Lieu : St-Pierre (RÚunion)
Inscription : 02/04/2004
Messages : 478
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Re : Google

Hé hé j'ai esaayé ce ptit jeu je suis assez content, car en tapant "Djiheff" sur google , je tombe là dessus :
djiheff sur google

la classe !

J'en profite pour demander à ceux qui seraient allés au States récemment si c'est vrai cette petite info entendue sur la radio : On dirait chez les ricains "to google" pour l'action d'effectuer une recherche sur internet. Si c'est vrai, pourquoi ne pas franciser ça et dire "gougler" chez nous.
Exemple : "J'ai gouglé une image de Swan et j'ai eu une image de Corriveau"

Djiheff (JeF wESh)
'LA DODO LE PA LA, 3ème partie : ça y est !

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#8 27/08/2004 18:41:54

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Montréal
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 3 442
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Re : Google

aaaaaah divine Katia!  Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'on m'en parle... 

Rocker au coeur tendre

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#9 27/08/2004 18:43:52

Gentil BDA
Lieu : Chambly
Inscription : 11/11/2002
Messages : 762
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Re : Google

ça c'est de la ptite soeur! :kclap:

Think big sti!

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#10 27/08/2004 18:43:55

Expert BDA
Lieu : Paris-Texas
Inscription : 14/10/2002
Messages : 5 785
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Re : Google

erf, elle coute combien ? 

"C'est vous qui voyez"

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#11 27/08/2004 18:56:00

Gentil BDA
Lieu : Chambly
Inscription : 11/11/2002
Messages : 762
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Re : Google


Think big sti!

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#12 27/08/2004 19:36:29

Pousse Crayon
Lieu : petitcoinpomÚdanleberryprofon
Inscription : 16/02/2004
Messages : 185
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Re : Google

Cette jeune femmes n'a pas d prix, elle est beaucoup trop cher pour vous...C'est tout d emême la soeur de corriveau

Les enfants dans le noir, ça fait des bétises. Les bétises dans le noir, ça fait des enfants.

Enfin moi je dis ça mais je dis rien.

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#13 27/08/2004 20:21:58

Lieu : à un endroit
Inscription : 30/01/2003
Messages : 2 315
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Re : Google

Offrez vous Corriveau lui-même, il est sûrement moins cher!

... Paris, ses toits, ses égouts, ses cambrioleuses... :hurmine-lalya.webcomics.fr.png

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#14 27/08/2004 21:37:15

Maitre BDA
Inscription : 09/03/2004
Messages : 2 860
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Re : Google

portfolio.jpg blog.jpg facebook.jpg

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#15 27/08/2004 22:08:05

Pousse Crayon
Lieu : petitcoinpomÚdanleberryprofon
Inscription : 16/02/2004
Messages : 185
Site Web

Re : Google

MOi j'ai trouver ça



ou encore ça

J'en ai profiter pour faire une toute pitite recherche sur Saihtrebet je trouve qu'il s'en sort plutot bien.

Yeah lui c'est une autre histoire... et il y a aussi ça ...mais la vérité c'est peut être ça...

Les enfants dans le noir, ça fait des bétises. Les bétises dans le noir, ça fait des enfants.

Enfin moi je dis ça mais je dis rien.

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#16 28/08/2004 13:17:21

Gentil BDA
Inscription : 02/07/2003
Messages : 547

Re : Google

Putain j'ai failli mourir de rire en lisant tout ce poste!

Ah, et en parlant de mourir de rire...


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#17 28/08/2004 15:01:44

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Paris
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 3 312
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Re : Google

Djiheff> oui, on dit bien "to google"... sont cons ces américains,
Remarque leur langue est pas difficile à apprendre donc ils ont moins besoin d'apprendre celles des autres...

cela dit en passant , Google m'apprend qu'alors qu eje pensais qu'Amentet était un dieu égyptien eh bien j'ai tort.. c'est une déesse... la honte  :kpleure:  et la preuve

[size=7]faut que je change de pseudo moi... [/size]

Peace & love attitude

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#18 28/08/2004 15:23:04

Lieu : Bretagne
Inscription : 27/01/2004
Messages : 2 154
Site Web

Re : Google

Y'a mieux que ça encore, y'a "googlism":

Googlism for: corriveau

corriveau is a real estate agent
corriveau is a real
corriveau is among the top 3 realtors in algonquin
corriveau is a member of the grass valley graphics group and works with the california impressionist workshop
corriveau is a radio man
corriveau is also interested in the interaction of the human visual system and the rendering of audio and video material
corriveau is travelling the world to explain the benefits of setting up operations in montreal over other locations in north america
corriveau is a real estate agent in algonquin
corriveau is making a record
corriveau is a frequent contributor on the matronics zenith list
corriveau is pleased with the roi he gets in a variety of areas
corriveau is jemstar's writer for many of our news articles and promotions
corriveau is developing assessment techniques to evaluate psychosocial components in chronic pain patients
corriveau is proud of the work binder does
corriveau is pleased with the resulting productivity improvements û an average of 30% of passengers check in by kiosk
corriveau is developing assessment techniques to evaluate psychosocial components in chronic
corriveau is hopeful
corriveau is contesting notices of assessment for the 1988
corriveau is the appellant's son
corriveau is a smooth
corriveau is a self
corriveau is a painter
corriveau is now available
corriveau is interested in investigating novel calorimeter designs for the future linear collider detector
corriveau is working toward his law degree at wayne state university
corriveau is our bookkeeper
corriveau is dave and buster?s co
corriveau is a lawyer and has a m
corriveau is
corriveau is concerned
corriveau is of the view that
corriveau is responsible for leading and driving partnerships with key software vendors in a variety of markets
corriveau is developing entirely new paradigms for object
corriveau is one of roughly a half
corriveau is out as the general manager of kut
corriveau is a doctoral candidate in the depart
corriveau is an assistant professor at carleton university
corriveau is also on the "images du nouveau monde" board of directors
corriveau is cited for inspirational
corriveau is now a stocky 36
corriveau is a professional you can trust
corriveau is available to assist you during weekdays through the bariatric surgery center or her office
corriveau is a faculty candidate for cmu's department of biological sciences
corriveau is one of many men who went to police with allegations of abuse
corriveau is survived by her husband
corriveau is director
corriveau is a freelance writer living on the east coast
corriveau is currently the assistant directer of academic affairs with the illinois board of higher education
corriveau is organizing this year's parish center clean
corriveau is also working on another significant project opening a local chapter of the financial women's association of new york
corriveau is a professor in the department of computer science
corriveau is director of population health for the gnwt
corriveau is carded with hartford
corriveau is the author of visual music software
corriveau is a widely recognized educational leader
corriveau is staying with friends or family and did not know how to reach him
corriveau is the adi interior wood finish manager and has over 15 years of experience in wood finish that began working with his grandfather on antique
corriveau is a freelance consultant to the international travel industry and lives in boston
corriveau is finally back
corriveau is sexy shit huh? fuckkk yah
corriveau is a graduate from laval university
corriveau is a very special girl to the innovative family
corriveau is still working on this
corriveau is a "true believer" in aliens
corriveau is formally dressed
corriveau is the production stage manager
corriveau is the editor of the subjective test plan and david fibush is the editor of the objective test plan
corriveau is product marketing manager with accrue software
corriveau is attempting to get a performance bond

Googlism for: swan

swan is arraigned
swan is not silent
swan is missing
swan is a specialty chemical produced in batches
swan is to be congratulated
swan island
swan is born
swan is a small rustic winery which is producing traditional
swan is born series plates
swan is a real estate agent in
swan is another of the animals that will not be able
swan is a real estate agent
swan is arraigned by minuteman staff wednesday
swan is to be congratulated for his courageous policy shift in favor of
swan is; hd; feb 1871; moretons hr meth; fish;; wid; cramm; arthur; swan is; son; jan 1907; swan is; meth;; son of john cramm
swan is born by nene adams ®1998
swan is made from durium
swan is accessible
swan is a real estate agent in albany
swan is fitted with two rings
swan is a well known bird in the british isles
swan is a very silent bird but it will hiss or snort when annoyed
swan is the largest waterfowl in north america and the largest swan in the world
swan is the bird faunal emblem of the state of western australia
swan is perhaps the best known and best loved object in the bowes museum
swan is a data structure visualization system developed as part of virginia tech's nsf educational infrastructure project
swan is copyrighted by virginia tech
swan is the common name for any of seven species of water birds constituting a distinct section of the duck family
swan is slightly smaller than the trumpeter swan and usually has a small yellow or orange spot at the base of the upper mandible
swan is marked by
swan is no longer seen as a source of food and such punishment no longer applies
swan is a curates egg action in the malcontent
swan is untangled from the net and transported to the weighing and banding area
swan is the largest irish bird
swan is vowing to detail his side of the story in the days ahead
swan is supremely graceful
swan is a persona development challenge for female personas
swan is a small rustic winery which is producing traditional table wines
swan is the least common swan in virginia
swan is not native to north america
swan is an initiative to develop and promote a worldwide network of student groups that will be able to work together on collaborative astronomy
swan is arthur d'alembert's first novel
swan is born" series plate
swan is a concert series hourglass of exceptional elegance and physical beauty
swan is always the most favorable bird to see; sailors set great store by it because it does
swan is called cignus
swan is the largest swan in the world
swan is a program that analyzes a local subweb of www
swan is a stately aquatic bird with a long graceful neck and beautiful white plumage
swan is a very popular motif in traditional hindu symbolism
swan is a snow goose
swan is a data structure visualization system developed as part of the nsf educational
swan is simply the most expressively powerful
swan is identified with cycnus
swan is north america's largest waterfowl
swan is big
swan is a third
swan is one of the oldest pubs in sidmouth
swan is one of the most powerful and ancient of totems
swan is a realtor in albany
swan is 9
swan is the largest native waterfowl species in north america
swan is a privately owned sail / cruising vessel circumnavigating the world at a leisurely pace
swan is sometimes associated with christ's carrying of his own cross
swan is for me? a non
swan is unlikely to be confused with anything but other swans
swan is 10" long
swan is founded by ronda flanzbaum and a group of concerned volunteers
swan is now in the process of working on many new formulations to meet the new needs of the plumbing industry
swan is another of the animals that will not be able to be released back into the wild
swan is designed to limit such conditions
swan is fantasy at its finest
swan is dying june 20
swan is a member of the american association of naturopathic physicians
swan is one simmering
swan is not a big
swan is called a "pen"
swan is almost entirely vegetarian
swan is entirely snow
swan is mainly the product of a single person
swan is a smaller
swan is working on the influence of milton's reputation
swan is based on the scout promise and law
swan is one of the smallest swans
swan is a very well
swan is called a "cob" and the female a "pen" the old latin word for swan is "cygnus"
swan is a family sailing club with excellent facilities
swan is
swan is located near missouri's lake taneycomo
swan is one of the top hotels in mandalay set in a pleasant relaxing atmosphere with international standards of service
swan is a most referred? realtor in albany
swan is an emotional read and a most rewarding one

Et puisque vous me tanniez pour savoir:
Googlism for: mosc

mosc is a nickname i've had since high school days
mosc is a social organization that was formed to unite all marine spouses in a closer bond
mosc is also a great way to meet new friends and have a lot of fun along the way
mosc is a 501
mosc is not remediated in time or the new imosc is not completed in time
mosc is used in active and reserve records
mosc is being formed
mosc is advisory in nature
mosc is much smaller than that of poly
mosc is 73d4l00fr
mosc is 71l100000
mosc is nearly ideal except the substrate doping has a step junction consisting of n
mosc is cooled down to 60k
mosc is analogous to syn
mosc is used to classify enlisted personnel and positions
mosc is the operation kind specifier
mosc is
mosc is waived because i have direct deposit
mosc is the modifier
mosc is consistent with its being a membrane transport protein
mosc is 918b8p6
mosc is met een leuk kleurtje goede verf over de kaart heen
mosc is not a
mosc is a clanmember
mosc is the first of several operations' support cells that will be embedded in the m&s operational support activity
mosc is essentially over the allegiance to the supreme authority in the community
mosc is a very likeable cd
mosc is a phoenix/smartmouse programmer running at 3
mosc is generally managing the rate assistance programs effectively
mosc is located
mosc is news s³chtig=
mosc is newsposter auf http
mosc is big competition
mosc is maximized with
mosc is the master oscillator frequency
mosc is of the order of
mosc is given units of 10

et 2goldfish? Y'a rien sur moi 


Allume un feu pour un homme, il aura chaud une journée. Met le feu à un homme, il aura chaud le reste de sa vie.

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#19 28/08/2004 18:17:54

Lieu : A l'ouest du Caucase
Inscription : 25/06/2003
Messages : 1 102
Site Web

Re : Google

sur moi j'ai de la chance avec google, ça ......n'a aucun rapport   :kpleure: , voyez ici

mais ....que signifie mon pseudo???
vous pouvez d'ailleur vous farcir les 23pages, y'a rien:-(

Eri, Sièu, Sarai!

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#20 28/08/2004 18:26:16

Gentil BDA
Lieu : la gavotte, prÞs de marseille,
Inscription : 28/07/2003
Messages : 759
Site Web

Re : Google

iark iark iark !! amentet est démasqué tongue

une seule chose à dire : celui qui pisse par terre et qui avance ensuite, à les pieds sales
the webpage!

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#21 28/08/2004 19:05:38

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Paris
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 3 312
Site Web

Re : Google

c'est quoi ça le googlism ?

MP > je trouve que le petit 4x4 radioguidé rouge te va bien

[size=7] c'est chiant, on peut pas changer de pseudo sans changer de compte... [/size]

Peace & love attitude

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#22 28/08/2004 21:32:54

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Bruxelles
Inscription : 25/10/2002
Messages : 3 480
Site Web

Re : Google

Googlism "Dr_Folaweb"

Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about dr_folaweb yet.


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#23 28/08/2004 22:02:34

Lieu : A l'ouest du Caucase
Inscription : 25/06/2003
Messages : 1 102
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Re : Google

Amentet,Saturday 28 August 2004, 18:05 a écrit :

MP > je trouve que le petit 4x4 radioguidé rouge te va bien

t'as maté les 23pages!!!!!

Eri, Sièu, Sarai!

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#24 28/08/2004 22:09:06

Lieu : France
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 2 031
Site Web

Re : Google

"egg" dans la recherche par image :

je n'apparais qu'à la 5ème pages !!! c'est inadmissible !
j'appelle le président sur le champ pour modifier ça !!!

egg -- n'a pas le numéro du président ... flute ...
egg -- va envoyer un courriel !!!

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#25 29/08/2004 12:30:00

Maitre BDA
Lieu : Paris
Inscription : 22/10/2002
Messages : 3 312
Site Web

Re : Google

M.P,Saturday 28 August 2004, 22:02 a écrit :

Amentet,Saturday 28 August 2004, 18:05 a écrit :

MP > je trouve que le petit 4x4 radioguidé rouge te va bien

t'as maté les 23pages!!!!!

Non, il est à la preière page big_smile

Peace & love attitude

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